A Wide Range of Activities
Fitness Opportunities On and Off Campus
Our residents enjoy a wide range of physical activities, from yoga and tai chi classes on campus to the Running Start fitness program at Bowdoin College. Running Start features swim and exercise classes for people of all abilities. Thornton Oaks residents receive a complimentary membership and shuttle transportation to and from classes.
Residents also love the wooded trail that borders our community, which itself abuts the Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust’s extensive trail system. In fair weather, it’s a pleasant walk along the trail to the weekly market at Crystal Spring Farm, acclaimed for its organic fruits and vegetables, flowers, meat, fish, and baked goods. And in winter months, the trail system provides snowshoeing and cross-country skiing opportunities.
Residents also enjoy kayaking, cycling, hiking, and other easily accessible outdoor pursuits. The area offers a variety of scenic and challenging golf courses. And the highly acclaimed, 18-hole Brunswick Golf Club is only a 5-minute drive.
Health & Wellness
Our Registered Nurse coordinates community wellness activities, including weekly exercise classes and local walks, regular blood pressure clinics, and annual flu shot clinics. She also provides orientation to the aerobic equipment in our gym, and is also a helpful resource when residents have health-related concerns.