Bringing Joy to the community
Dogs and Other Pets are Welcome
Thornton Oaks is a pet-friendly community. In fact, our four-footed residents are very popular. They have a way of raising everyone’s spirits—and cadging treats from the staff.
“We wouldn’t think of living anywhere that wouldn’t welcome our dog,” says Deanna Baxter, speaking for the pet owners at Thornton Oaks. Even those who no longer keep pets enjoy interacting with the four-footed residents. “Our Scotty, Bailey, is very popular,” says Jim Baxter. “Neighbors have offered to watch him for us if we ever need a sitter. They really enjoy seeing him.”
Dee moved to Thornton Oaks in the summer of 2020 with her two small dogs, Ginger and Snap. She’s happy to have gotten away from the hustle and bustle of the greater New York/New Jersey area and has a message for prospective residents: “Come soon so we can meet on the trails here!”
Dog-Walking Trails Abound
Jane Colby walked her dogs on the wooded trails that traverse Thornton Oaks years before she lived here—before anyone did. She has found the woods unchanged—still filled with wildflowers and birds in spring and summer. “It’s a comfort to grow old with a dog,” says Jane.